My memoir As Familiar as Family is available to purchase! Yay! Seven(ish) years ago, when I wrote the earliest iteration of what would become my memoir, I never thought this would be the first book I published. The tagline of my memoir is "Leaving the Toxic Religion I Was Groomed For." Not that long ago, I would have defended the toxic religion I am now critiquing. Here's the thing: I experienced abuse as love from a young age. In As Familiar as Family, I explore and examine the ways in which I was groomed for unhealthy relationships and toxic religion. This book chronicles my journey to find my voice — and a way out — which began once I understood how the spiritual abuse, power dynamics, narcissism, and emotional detachment in the church were as familiar as family. By sharing my story, I hope to empower others to leave anything toxic in their own lives. To order your copy of As Familiar as Family, click any of the links below! For Amazon, click here. For Bookshop, click here. For Barnes & Noble, click here. For a signed copy, click here. The self-publishing road has been long and winding. I've learned a lot about myself and this process. Look for a bonus episode of the Broadening the Narrative podcast at the end of the month. It will be full of self-publishing tips and behind-the-scenes stories. Thank you to everyone who has supported me on this journey. It literally wouldn't be possible without you. I'm forever grateful.